qld 4075

Authentic Vietnamese Lunch Shop Great for working owner

Authentic Vietnamese Eatery with a focus on healthy, quality lunches.
True potential waiting for a new owner to take the business to the next level.

Some of the main features include;

Prime location in town centre
Affordable rent of $550 per week plus GST
Lease has 2 years remaining and landlord happy to add further options
Seating for 40 guests
Currently open 6 days from 10am – 3pm and 2 nights from 5pm – 9pm
Sales between $4,000 to $5,500 per week
Simple, fresh and tasty menu with fully trained kitchen staff
Clean, modern fitout with nothing to spend
Long term catering clients in place
Simple operation with minimal staff
High social media ratings

This is a great opportunity for a first time buyer to enter the industry.
Ideal for an owner operator or family who are ready to expand on this well performing business.

Reach out today to Jo Akbal on 0405 629 739 or hit the enquire now button.
This is a great business waiting for it’s new owner